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Schedule email marketing campaign

There are two ways to send schedule emails:

1. Send email campaign at a specify time
2. Send regular email(or follow up) at a specify time interval

Send email campaign at a specify time With this method, you can specify a time when you want to send the email.

For example, you can set up your email campaign to send at 7:00PM before you leave the office or any time you like. Following screenshot shows you how to set up an email campaign at a specify time:

Send Regular email(or follow up) at a specify time interval With this method, you can set up a "send mail rule" on how often you want to an email campaign (or follow up message) at a specify time interval.

Example #1: Send regular follow up email(different messages) to the same mailing list at a specify time interval. Let's say you have a mailing list and you want to send 3 follow up emails at day 5, 14 and 21, after 3 follow up emails, move the email address to the master mailing list.

Example #2: Send a serial of newsletters or courses automatically at a specify time interval. Let's say, you have an online course, if some one subscribe to your course, you want to send one lesson every 30 days from the date they subscribe.

Please follow the steps below:

1). First, you need to insert a date field in your mailing list as below, a sample of your mailing list will look like this: [Email], [Name], [Date] sales@apexpacific.com, Apex Pacific, [12/03/03] …..

2). Then you need to create a "Send Mail Rule" to specify the time interval when you want to send the email. Screenshot below shows you how to create a "Send Mail Rule":

3). Then choose the "Send Rule" as shown earlier. In this setting, the program will send an email to your mailing list after 5 days from the date field in your mailing list.



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