Social Sites Submission
Automated Site Submission
Our advanced social media article submission software for SEO automatically submit your different and unique article to all the major social media sites at a click of a button!
It will Automatically log you into each of the social media sites. Then enter the title, keywords, article abstract and the author information before posting one of the spun versions of your article, and Automatically repeats the process for each social media site at the click of a few buttons.
Now you can save massive amounts of time while getting hundreds of quality back links to your website!
Automated Blog, Wikis & Hub Submission
Just like the article submitter tool in XGen, the blog, wikis and hub submitter is fully automatically as well. Submit unique versions of the content to blogs, wiki and hub sites such as EasyJournal, BlogSpot, WordPress, Zimbio, LiveJournal, WikiSpaces, Hubpages!
Automated Social Bookmarker Submission
XGen submits your article submission software to the top social bookmarking sites such as Delicious, Digg, OYAX, Backflip, LinkAgogo, A1-webmarks and Diigo.
Automated Micro Blogging & Social Networking Sites Submission
Automatically submit different versions of your article to all the top micro-blogging and social networking sites including Twitter and Facebook.
Automated RSS Feeds Submission
After submitting your articles, this powerful software for SEO automatically creates and gathers RSS feeds from each of your posted articles and automatically submits them to the top RSS marketing sites/directories.
Automated Power Ping
Once the RSS Feeds are created, this amazing tool automatically gathers all the created links and pings them all using top pinging sites to ensure that back links are created from those social media site links to your website.
xGen SEO Suite - Best SEO Software Tool
The best SEO software tool for SEO marketing for SEO agencies and businesses.
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