Internet Marketing News Flash
MSN Search Officially Switches
To Its Own Technology
It's official. Nearly two years after announcing it
would develop its own search technology, MSN Search
began feeding the general public results found through
its own internally developed search engine. The rollout
has happened worldwide, including on the main MSN Search
Here to Read the entire article ...
Google and latent semantic
Rumor in search engine forums has it that Google
is giving more weight to latent semantic indexing (LSI)
in its latest ranking algorithm update.
What is latent semantic indexing?
LSI means that a search engine tries to associate certain
terms with concepts when indexing web pages. For example,
Paris and Hilton are associated with a
woman instead of a city and a hotel, Tiger and
Woods are associated with golf.
Google has been using this concept to determine suitable
ads for its AdSense service for some time now. It seems
that Google is now also using this concept to improve
the quality of its search results.
If you search for a keyword on Google and add a tilde
~ before the search term, then you get an idea of what
Google thinks about a search term. For example, if you
do a semantic search for phone, Google returns Nokia as the first result.
A normal search for phone returns different results. Adding
a tilde to the search term seems to instruct Google
to do a semantic search.
Why is this important to your SEO activities?
If Google uses this concept in its ranking algorithm
(which is very likely) then its advisable that you don't
focus on a single keyword, but on a set of related keywords
with your search engine optimization activities. You
should optimize some of the pages on your web site for
keywords that are synonymous with the keyword you're
targeting. When you exchange links with other web sites,
make sure that you vary the link text to your web site
so that it contains different variations and synonyms
of your keyword.
Where can I find further information about LSI?
If you're interested in the theories behind this
concept, the following pages can give you detailed
Latent semantic indexing helps search engines to find
out what a web page is all about. It basically means
to you that you shouldn't focus on a single keyword
when optimizing your web pages and when getting links.
The web pages on your web site should be related and
focus mainly on a special topic while using different
words that describe the topic. Use variations of your
keyword and synonyms. That makes it easier for search
engines to determine the topic of your site.
This article originally appeared in the Axandra newsletter:
The First Critical Steps To Waging A Profitable
AdWords Campaign
The past few years have witnessed the morphing of search engine
optimization (SEO) into search engine marketing
(SEM). And, as you are undoubtedly aware, SEM
is a multi-faceted endeavor that demands careful integration
of online marketing strategies. Today's astute SE marketer knows
that page optimization, inbound linking strategies, and paid
placements all dovetail together to form the winning combinations
that drive traffic to sites that generate profits.
Of course, one of the cornerstones of SEM is Google's AdWords
Program. However, unlike traditional pay-per-click advertising
where the top placement is awarded to the top bidder, AdWords
uses a formula that allows the underdog to triumph over advertising
behemoths who might otherwise just buy the top ranking. On
AdWords, one can rise to the top of the listings with a lesser
bid by simply offering a more compelling ad that motivates
visitors to "click" more often.
Perhaps you already know all that - but, what you may not
already know are the various ways to beat the competition
by making some lesser known, but very smart, choices within
your AdWords setup and your keyword selections.
How Smart Choices Can Get
You Top Placement For Less!
Unlike traditional pay-per-click engines, Google bases its
ad ranking formula around two values - the cost per click
(CPC) and the click-thru rate (CTR).
Your CPC is what you pay every time someone clicks your ad.
This fee is set according to the maximum amount you have agreed
to pay for each click and typically reflects the competitiveness
of search queries you're bidding on. If no one else is bidding
on the same search queries, then your CPC would only be the
$0.05 per click minimum fee. The opposite is also true. Popular
search queries are more competitive and therefore bid considerably
higher. Such competitiveness can substantially increase the
CPC it takes to become the top bidder.
Your CTR indicates the percentage of people who actually click
on your ad as compared to the number of people who see your
ad. Each time your ad is seen, that's called an impression.
If your ad gets 100 impressions and one person clicks, then
your CTR is 1%.
The method Google uses to determine the numerical position
of your ad in relation to your competitors' ads is determined
by the following formula:
your CPC |
X |
your ad's
= |
your ad's
position index (PI) |
To see how this works, imagine you're bidding on the search
query (keyword/keyphrase) cell phones. Your
company, CheapCells, is competing for this same keyphrase
with two other companies, BestCells and TopCells. You've decided
that you will bid a maximum of $0.09 per click for this keyphrase.
For every 100 people who see your ad, 3 are clicking on it,
so you have a 3% CTR. Let's see how your position index (PI)
compares to that of your competitors:
CheapCells: |
$0.09 CPC |
X |
3% CTR |
= |
0.27 PI |
BestCells: |
$0.08 CPC |
X |
5% CTR |
= |
0.40 PI |
TopCells: |
$0.10 CPC |
X |
2.7% CTR |
= |
0.27 PI |
Here you can see that, even though BestCells only has a CPC
of $0.08, they will still rank higher than you because their
5% CTR gives them a higher position index. This is the great
thing about AdWords - lower bids can still outrank higher
bids if they can motivate more people to click their ad.
What about TopCells? Even though they've bid a higher CPC,
their lower CTR means that you both end up with the same position
index. In this case, Google uses the advertiser's maximum
bid - the top price you're willing to pay for a click - to
determine who will rank higher. Since AdWords is based on
an automatic bidding process, if someone obtains a higher
PI than you - either through increasing their CPC or by achieving
a higher CTR - Google will increase your CPC up to your maximum
bid until your PI index is greater than theirs. This continues
until you've either obtained top ranking or you've reached
your maximum bid.
In this example, let's say that you decide to increase your
maximum bid to $0.12, while TopCells increases theirs to $0.15.
In the previous scenario, you both had a 0.27 PI. In this
situation, Google will engage in an automatic bidding war
until one of you emerges victorious. Assuming your CTR remains
the same, Google will increase each of your CPCs until one
of you reaches your max bid. When this happens, the following
situation emerges:
CheapCells: |
$0.12 CPC |
X |
3% CTR |
= |
0.36 PI |
BestCells: |
$0.08 CPC |
X |
5% CTR |
= |
0.40 PI |
TopCells: |
$0.12 CPC |
X |
2.7% CTR |
= |
0.32 PI |
At this point, your company, CheapCells, has maxed out. The
only way to increase your PI now is to increase your max bid
or get a higher CTR (generally by writing more effective ad
copy that draws more clicks). Notice that BestCells is still
ranking in position one, with a PI of 0.40, even though their
CPC is far lower than anyone else's. This is because they
have written compelling ad copy that is attracting more clicks
giving them the best of both worlds - more clicks for less
money (Hint: perhaps you should emulate what you can from
BestCell's ad copy to increase your own CTR).
TopCells, on the other hand, still has room to grow, since
they set their max bid at $0.15. AdWords' automatic bidding
process continues to increase TopCells' CPC until they have
a higher PI than BestCells. That happens when TopCells reaches
their maximum bid of $0.15:
CheapCells: |
$0.12 CPC |
X |
3% CTR |
= |
0.36 PI |
BestCells: |
$0.08 CPC |
X |
5% CTR |
= |
0.40 PI |
TopCells: |
$0.15 CPC |
X |
2.7% CTR |
= |
0.41 PI |
This puts TopCells in position one, placing its ad above
all other competitors' ads. But notice that TopCells is paying
nearly twice as much per click as their next closest competitor,
BestCells. And, BestCells could easily move TopCells out of
the top position by increasing their max bid by just one cent.
This underscores the importance of CTR when running an AdWords
campaign. AdWords allows you to remain competitive - even
with a smaller budget - as long as your ads attract more clicks.
And you can do that by making your ad copy more compelling
and more relevant to the keywords that you're competing for.
Of course, a company with a huge advertising budget can still
keep increasing their max bid to stay ahead of you, but at
some point this becomes unprofitable for even the largest
company. Not to say that a big company won't continue to pay
large CPCs, but Google does tend to level the playing field
by rewarding relevance and good ad copy,
as opposed to just deep pocketbooks.
These examples illustrate that you can compete successfully,
even in extremely competitive areas, by being smart and focusing
on making your keywords and ad copy relevant to your customers'
Choosing your Keywords
The first critical step to creating a smart AdWords campaign
is to create a list of effective keywords. The importance
of this step cannot be overstated. Do it correctly, and you're
well on your way to generating profits. Do it wrong, and you
might as well go home - because nothing else in your campaign
is going to work.
What does it mean for a keyword (or keyphrase) to be effective?
It really boils down to one thing. On average, the amount
of value that the keyword generates per click must be greater
than that keyword's cost per click. In other words, that keyword
needs to be producing profits.
A keyword must also generate enough clicks to keep it from
being disabled by Google. If your keyword does not maintain
a CTR of at least 0.5%, that keyword will be disabled. This
means that once a thousand people have searched for your keyword
and have seen your ad, at least five of those visitors will
need to have clicked on your ad in order for that keyword
to stay active. If not, Google disables that keyword and your
ad no longer appears when someone uses it in a search. (There
are ways to re-enable disabled keywords which we'll discuss
later). This is another reason why your keyword must be relevant
to the ad you're running.
To find effective keywords, it's best to extensively brainstorm
the process. You'll eventually want to track down every possible
search query that someone might use when looking for the products
or services your company offers. Here are three of the top
tools geared to help you do just that:
the WordTracker
keyword tool
the Google AdWords
Keyword Tool
and the Overture
Keyword Selector Tool
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These tools can
supercharge your keyword brainstorming process and, combined
with the following Keyword-Building Tips, will help
you generate your optimal keyword list:
1. Put Yourself
in Your Customer's Shoes.
What keywords would
you use to find your product? Talk to people who might represent
a typical customer and ask them to do a search for what you
sell. If you're selling a consumer product, such as cell phones,
then friends and family could help in this regard. Sit down
with them at a computer, ask them to find your products or
services, and see what searches they do. You may discover
a keyword or group of keywords your competitors have overlooked.
This could mean cheap clicks since there won't be anyone for
you to engage in a bidding war with.
Remember to keep
a customer's perspective. Unless you're selling to insiders
within your own industry, try to avoid industry jargon. Think
about words and phrases that real customers, not industry
insiders, would use in a search.
On the other hand,
if you are selling to insiders, then by all means, jargon
away! If you're hired to run a campaign for an industry you're
unfamiliar with, you should study the trade magazines to familiarize
yourself with industry jargon and catch-phrases. You can also
mine the indexes and glossaries of books about the topic you'll
be placing ads for, as well as browse internet forums dedicated
to the particular industry or hobby you're targeting.
2. Check Out
the Competition.
Once you've acquired
a small list (shoot for about 25 keywords and phrases), run
some searches on those potential keywords to learn what terms
your competitors are actually bidding on. This can give you
an idea of what keywords are getting traffic and conversions.
You could also view the source of your competitors' homepages
to determine what keywords they're optimizing for in their
keywords meta tag. If they're optimizing their pages for those
keywords, you can probably assume that they're bidding on
them as well. However, don't slavishly follow the example
of your competitors. Many of them actually have very little
idea of how to run an effective AdWords campaign. For all
you know, they could even be losing money on the ads they're
One way to tell
which of your competitors is waging a successful campaign
is to monitor whose ads are showing up for your chosen keywords
over a period of a month. Those ads that are relatively stable
and show up consistently are probably making a profit. They're
the ones you should emulate. But, again, don't get too caught
up in what your competition is doing. Ideally, you're looking
to find high traffic keywords that your competitors are not
bidding on.
Another way to
utilize your competition, though controversial, is to bid
on your competitor's product names, company names, or even
key executive names if they're high profile enough. Bear in
mind, however, that while this practice is currently allowed
by Google, it could generate some unflattering publicity for
your company and may even elicit some threatening letters
from your competitor's lawyers. Be sure to weigh the pros
and cons before moving forward. Not surprisingly, this practice
is fairly widespread and, in most cases, doesn't appear to
be problematic. For instance, McAffee and TrendMicro are both
currently bidding on the term Norton. As to legalities?
...we can't legally advise you. To be safe you should always
check with your attorney.
3. Cover All
Your Keyword Variations.
Next, look for
variations on keywords you think might be successful. This
includes synonyms, plurals, misspellings, or keywords separated-by-hyphens.
Most customers usually search for a product or service using
a single phrase. This means that your first priority should
be to cover every possible variation of that phrase. For example,
if your site sells cell phones, your initial list should consist
of phrases like:
cell phones
cellphones |
mobile phone
cellular |
cellular phone
cellular phones
wireless phone
wireless phones |
...and so forth.
Again, the keyword
tools mentioned previously can greatly assist with this process.
Once you have covered all the variations on what you expect
to be your most important terms, begin adding descriptive
terms, or terms that describe a problem, to augment your existing
terms. For instance, cheap, low cost, affordable,
or inexpensive can go with most consumer products.
However, avoid superlatives, such as best or cheapest,
since they aren't usually allowed by Google's ad review team.
To the list of cell phone terms above, you could also add
such terms as:
cheap cellphone
cheap cell phone
cheap cell-phone |
affordable cellphone
affordable cell phone
affordable cell-phone |
...and so on.
(note: if you use
these, your cell phones should actually be affordable to avoid
being rejected by Google's ad review team)
Sometimes, using
reverse descriptive words, or words that describe the opposite
of what your product does, can work to your advantage. For
example, if you're selling fast Internet connections, slow
internet connection is at least as good a term to bid
on as fast internet connection, since a person typing
the query "slow internet connection" has a problem that they're
actively searching to find a solution to.
(You might wonder
why we added an extremely broad term like cell to our keyword
list above, even though it's likely to bring on tons of untargeted
traffic, such as searches for cell biology or solar
cell. The reason is that you can still bid effectively
on this keyword as long as you have an extensive list of negative
keywords to filter out unrelated queries. We'll cover negative
keywords in greater detail later.)
4. Start General,
But Work Towards Greater Specificity.
Typically, you'll
start out with the most general keywords and phrases. These
are the easiest to think of and usually generate the most
traffic. However, as the brainstorming process continues,
you should be searching for increasingly targeted and niche
The best keywords
will be those that generate a high volume of impressions but
have little or no competition because they have somehow been
overlooked or are too specific (there are still a surprising
number of these left), or else none of your competitors are
able to stay in that space because they cannot get sufficient
click-thru due to poor ad copy.
One way to find
these niche keywords is to check your site's referral logs.
Referrals coming from search engines will include the query
that a searcher used to find your site. People will often
search using some very unusual search queries - terms that
you and your competitors might never think to bid on. Once
again, this can give you a leg up on the competition, even
in competitive fields, by enabling you to capitalize on more
specific and more targeted keywords.
5. Convert Casual
Surfers Into Customers
Don't just focus
on keywords that shoppers might search for. What about all
of those non-shoppers out there on the internet? Think
about how many times you've been surfing the 'net and ended
up buying something that caught your eye even when you originally
had no intention of going online specifically to make a purchase.
Perhaps you were just looking for the score to last night's
basketball game and you ended up buying a pair of Nike tennis
shoes because the price was right.
A contrived example,
perhaps, but the point is that people type all sorts of terms
into search engines without any intention of buying anything.
However, if your ad catches their eye and you have a solution
to their problem, then some of those people could be converting
to sales at a very low cost per click because your competitors
never thought to bid on those bargain keywords. The trick
is to find terms that target your audience but aren't so general
they also bring in reams of untargeted traffic.
industry buzzwords or news headlines can also bring in the
non-shoppers, at least for a while. At one time, the phrase
florida update was a great term to bid on for companies
selling search engine optimization services. Nonsensical to
outsiders, but if you were running an online business during
November of 2003 when Google radically adjusted its ranking
algorithm, I suspect you spent quite a bit of time thinking
about that phrase.
As another example,
consider the headlines that were generated by the brawl that
occurred in late 2004 during a basketball game between the
Indiana Pacers and the Detroit Pistons. A time-sensitive phrase
like pistons pacers fight might have been a great way
to cheaply attract customers to a site that sells sports merchandise.
6. Use Action
Again, try to think
about the way customers conduct searches. Many of your customers
will search by using action words such as buy, find, or purchase.
Append these types of words to your primary keywords (go ahead,
break out the thesaurus - just make sure you stick to search
words people actually use). Now your list will grow to include
such terms as:
cell phone
buy cellphone
buy cell-phone |
cell phone
find cellphone
find cell-phone | get the
Many searchers
will also phrase their queries in the form of a question.
For instance, the query where can I buy a cell phone actually
gets a fair amount of traffic. As you grow your keyword list,
consider using questions for which your site and your products
or services provide a solution.
7. Target Local
If you're selling
to a local market, it helps to be familiar with local idioms
and unofficial place names. For example, Philly vs.
Philadelphia, Big Apple vs. New York,
or Big Island vs. Hawaii (and did you know that
people living on Michigan's Upper Peninsula refer to themselves
as Yoopers?).
But don't leave
out official place names. If you sell mobile homes in San
Diego, make sure you bid on california mobile home and
san diego mobile home, in addition to socal mobile
home. You'll also probably want to pull in traffic from
surrounding cities and counties, so you could add mission
beach mobile homes, la jolla mobile homes, etc... Break
out a map and add those relevant place names to your keyword
8. Go Negative.
As you come up
with new keywords, be sure to plug them into the keyword tools
we mentioned so that you can see what common searches are
related to that keyword. Not only will this give you plenty
of other ideas for keywords, but it will also show you what
words commonly accompany your keywords in searches but have
nothing to do with your business. Such terms, by the way,
are called negative keywords - and you should
use them to filter out unrelated terms or terms which could
dilute your targeting.
Depending on your
type of business, good negative keywords could include free,
used, or refurbished. You might also want to filter out
words commonly associated with illegal online activity, such
as cracks, warez, or mp3, as well as words used
in searches for adult sites (adult, hardcore, xxx).
It's entirely possible that you and a competitor could be
bidding on the exact same keyword with your ad being
profitable and your CTR above 0.5%, while their ad
is losing money and being disabled by Google for low CTR.
The difference being attributed to your using a larger negative
keyword list which is filtering out the untargeted traffic.
For example, if
you're bidding on the term mobile home, your ad could
show up for the search t mobile home phone. In this
case you'd want to add the terms t and phone to
your negative keyword list.
Whenever you're
brainstorming new keywords, you should also be on the lookout
for negative keywords that might dilute those new keywords.
When you're monitoring your logs to see what searches people
are using to find your site, also look for terms in those
searches that are totally unrelated to your page and add them
to your negative keyword list. Or when you're checking out
what competitors come up for your chosen keywords, see what
other sites show up that have nothing to do with your site.
Those sites can also be a good source of negative keywords,
since you wouldn't want to pay for clicks form people who
are actually searching for something you don't offer.
As you work on
growing and refining your keyword list based on what keywords
are generating profits, you'll find that many of your keywords
will simply not perform, and will be disabled by Google for
insufficient CTR. Sometimes, this low performance is not due
to a bad keyword as much as it's due to poor ad copy or irrelevant
impressions brought on by a negative keyword you didn't think
to filter.
If you think that
these keywords still have potential, you can re-enable them
by first deleting them from their current ad group and then
adding them to a different ad group. Make sure that you've
done your best to identify and fix what made that keyword
fail initially, though, so the keyword doesn't get disabled
Choosing Your Match Type
Initially, you're
going to want to start with a smallish list (no more than
100) of what you anticipate to be your most effective keywords.
Once you have this keyword list, you'll have to decide how
much leeway to give Google in matching search queries to those
keywords. Google AdWords has three styles of matching, and
it is critical that you understand the difference
between them. The three types of matching are:
1. Broad match
This is the most
general type of match. To run your keywords as broad match,
you simply enter your terms on a single line in your keyword
list with no quotes or brackets. Your ad will appear for any
search that has your keywords in it, in any order, with any
other words, and will also appear for searches that include
plurals, misspellings, and synonyms of your terms.
For many terms,
broad matching is too broad, and will produce undesirable
results. For instance, if you do a broad match bid for
the term comic books, your ad will appear for such
searches as books by comic george carlin and even book
tickets for comic george carlin, as well as many other
possibly unrelated searches.
Broad match requires
the least amount of work on your part since most related keywords
will automatically be generated for you. It relieves you from
having to build your own detailed keyword list. But, as we
mentioned, broad match can also produce a lot of untargeted
impressions. If you do use broad match, be sure to
bid lower than you would for more targeted matches.
You should especially
avoid broad matching single word terms as they can cause your
ad to be displayed for a huge number of variations. For instance,
if you just did a broad match bid on the term mobile,
your ad will be shown to people looking for mobile homes,
mobile phones, and Mobile, Alabama - not the most targeted
group of customers.
Of course, there
could be cases where a single keyword is specific enough that
all permutations are related to your business (product names,
for instance). In such cases, if you do a broad match bid
on a single keyword, you'll still want to add sufficient negative
keywords to facilitate high targeting. If you can manage
to do this, while keeping your click-throughs above the 0.5%
cut-off rate, then the keyword might be very profitable for
you. Of course, this may end up making broad match the most
labor-intensive match option, since you might need to brainstorm
a huge list of negative keywords.
Occasionally you
will find a high-traffic single keyword with very little competition.
This is usually because your competitors aren't able to achieve
a sufficient CTR to remain in that space for long - due to
poor ad copy or ineffective use of negative keywords. In such
cases you could end up spending very little per click for
a reasonably high volume keyword. Of course, much of your
success will depend on being able to present compelling ads
that pull sufficient click-throughs and filtering out irrelevant
traffic through negative keywords.
To summarize: we
generally do not recommended broad match since the targeting
is so bad. Another reason is that it can also be very difficult
to track which variations of a keyword are profitable and
which are just wasting money. It's usually better to find
all these variations for yourself through keyword research
and use the exact match option to determine which variations
are most effective.
2. Phrase match
This is the second
most general type of match. To run your keywords as phrase
match, you simply enter your terms on a single line in your
keyword list surrounded by quotes. Your ad will then appear
for any search that contains your keywords in the order you
specify - even if other terms are also included in the search.
For instance, if
you were phrase-match bidding on the term cell phone,
your ad would also show for such searches as buy cell phone
and cell phone repair, but not for cell phones.
3. Exact match
This is the most
restrictive type of match. Terms are entered on a single line
in your keyword list with brackets. Your ad will only appear
for searches that exactly match all the terms in those brackets,
in that order, and do not contain any other terms.
This type of matching
requires more research but also provides the most targeted
results. Interestingly, very few advertisers bother with exact
match and this fact alone can open the door for you to gain
the competitive advantage over your lazier competitors. We
recommend that you use exact match for the majority of your
Organize Your Ad Groups
you've created a keyword list and decided which level of matching
to apply to each keyword or phrase, you can move on to the
next stage of managing an effective keyword list: organization.
It's always better to have a small but well-organized and
easily trackable keyword list than a large but messy list.
Any extra keywords you throw in when getting started are just
going to muddy your tracking data and make it harder for you
to tell which keywords are actually performing well. Our advice
is: start small, grow smart.
Your small keyword
list will gradually grow into a large keyword list as you
gain feedback on your existing list and add keywords in response
to that feedback. Your keyword list will grow in an iterative
process as you keep and improve keywords that are
profitable, discard those that aren't, and brainstorm new
keywords and categories to add to the mix.
Keep your keywords
organized into meaningful categories, rather than dumping
a huge mess of keywords into Google and hoping something takes
off. Organize your categories into similar keywords and phrases,
and from there into similar max bids. Your most expensive
keywords should go in their own category. As your list grows,
you will want to fine tune your maximum bid by category, not
by individual keyword. Manually adjusting each keyword in
a 1,000 word list gets old really fast. Trust us on this.
The same goes for
tracking. As your list grows, you'll want to track by category,
not by keyword. Once you have identified high performing categories,
then you can consider fine tuning and tracking within those
categories. Ad categories allow you to get the big picture
of your campaign rather than wasting time on each detail.
The advertiser who is obsessive about adjusting every little
keyword is probably losing more money on time spent than what
they are earning through their campaign.
Most of your competitors
will simply throw thousands of keywords against the wall to
see what sticks. This often means that you can make headway
even in very competitive areas by being smarter about your
keyword selection, organization, and tracking. Remember, it's
normal that most of your keywords will be either unprofitable
or marginally profitable especially when first starting out.
That's all the more reason you'll need effective organization
and tracking to maximize the return on those keywords that
are effective. The more your keywords are broken into defined
categories, the easier it is to determine which type of keywords
are performing, and the easier it is to optimize your campaign
by turning entire groups of keywords on and off.
The foundation
of an effective AdWords campaign begins with selecting the
right keywords. Use all of the resources available in making
your selections. Start small with the idea of building up
your list, instead of the other way around. Be sure that you're
using keywords that people are actually using to search. Focus
your attention and effort on writing effective ad copy to
elevate your click-thru rate (CTR) to a level that is as high
as possible. That's the best way to beat the competition,
especially when you're bidding lower than them. Dig deep for
those overlooked keyword gems and act quickly whenever current
events provide an opportunity to drive traffic based on keyphrases
in the news.
Be very careful about selecting broad match and spend the
time it takes to research exact match keyphrases. Be sure
to utilize negative keywords as a defense against untargeted
traffic - these alone can mean the difference between ads
that make the 0.5% cutoff and those that don't. Get organized,
set up your tracking systems, and diligently measure what's
working and what isn't so you can quickly ditch the unprofitable
as you methodically identify the profitable keywords and phrases.
Think of yourself
as a search engine marketer and, as such, know that Google
AdWords offers too much potential to be ignored. Their online
advertising model is here to stay - therefore it's worthwhile
for you to negotiate the learning curve. Follow these steps
and, chances are, you'll gain a big leg-up on your competition
because, after all, it's a complicated race that most companies
won't know how to run nearly as well as you.
Next month, we'll
explore this topic further, including steps you can take to
write more compelling ad copy, create relevant landing pages
that convert into sales, and use effective tracking to produce
data you can use to continually optimize your Adwords campaign.
Until then,
By Esoos Bobnar
- technical analyst
Planet Ocean Communications
Reprinted by permission from:
How-To ... Tips, Tricks and Expert
Embedded Match -- Advanced Keyword Matching Technique on
Google AdWords
Google's keyword matching options help advertisers to better
target their online audience. Besides its Primary matching
options (Broad match, Phrase match, Exact match and Negative
match) Google AdWords also offers Advanced matching option,
so called Embedded Match.
Embedded Matching is the most advanced keyword matching technique.
It combines the function of the Exact match and the Negative
As you may be aware, Exact Match displays your ad only on
the exact keyword or phrase. For example, if you have exact
match keyword Digital Camera you ad will appear for the search
term Digital Camera but not for Digital Cameras or Digital
Camera Tips and so on.
 |
Digital Camera |
 |
Digital Camera Tips |
 |
Digital Cameras |
Negative Match does not display your ad if the search query
contains a negative keyword. Let's take the broad matched
keyword Digital Camera as an example along with the negative
keyword USED. When search is performed your ad would appear
for example for the search term Digital Camera Store but not
for Used Digital Camera.
 |
Digital Camera Store |
 |
Used Digital Camera |
Embedded Match combines the benefits of both -- Exact Match
and Negative Match. It displays your ad on all related variations
of the keyword, except the exact match of that keyword. For
example you sell merchandise in relation to the movie Finding
Nemo, but not the movie itself. It is confirmed that people
searching the term Finding Nemo are looking for the official
movie website. In this instance you want your ad to appear
for all variations of the term Finding Nemo but not only for
Finding Nemo:
 |
Finding Nemo Toys (Your ad displays) |
 |
Finding Nemo Games (Your ad displays) |
 |
Finding Nemo (Your ad does NOT display) |
By combining matching techniques you can refine your targeted
audience which will help you to maximize the performance of
your ads.