| To transfer data over to a new PC
Simply install the software on a new PC, and then copy all the files and SUB-directories of the "Dynamic Submission" folder on your original PC to the Same directory of Dynamic Submission folder on your new PC.
For example, by default Dynamic Submission is installed at C:Programfiles>dynamic >dynamic submission v7 directory. Simply copy all the files and sub-directories under this folder to the same directory where you install the Dynamic Submission on the new PC.
You then need to import the project files from "File>Import>Previous Profile Files" on the menu bar to complete the importing of the old website information.
To transfer the registration code to a new PC You can transfer your registration code to a new PC by using the same registration details as your old PC. Simply click the "Help>Register" menu item and enter your registration code details. The program will ask you if you want to transfer your registration code to this PC, click "Yes" to confirm the transfer.
Note: Once you transfer your registration code to the new PC, the registration code on your old PC will be cancelled by our online authentication system automatically.