of Internet Connection: Go to File
from the menu bar and click Configuration".
1. Direct to the Internet: If your computer has a
direct connection to the Internet, just click OK
button as the box is checked by default.
Proxy Server/Port: If you are connected to the Internet
through a Proxy Server, please choose "Proxy
Server" and enter your correct Proxy Server and
Port number. If you use a proxy server in your Netscape
or Internet Explorer browser, you need to enter the
same setting here as your Netscape or Internet Explorer
Authentication: If your server or proxy requires authentication
before allowing access to the Internet, please enter
your Username and Password.
Follow the instruction to enter the Outgoing Mail
Server, Port Number and your Username, Password
if there is an authentication request.
Follow the instruction to fill in all the fields.
The program will automatically customize all submit
reports with your company's information and logo.
1. Connections: You can specify the number of connections
you want to make depending on your Internet speed
and connection bandwidth. However, more connections
will take up more system resources. We suggest that
you keep your connections less than 50. If you are
connected through a 28.8K modem, please set it to
Time Out: This setting will adjust the time Dynamic
Submission waits for a server to respond. The default
setting is 30 seconds. Dynamic Submission will skip
to the next search engine if there is no response
from that search engine's server within the Time Out
period, and continue to submit to the next search
engine. Please adjust this setting to a higher value
(Don't exceed 90 seconds) if your connection is slower.
Check the box if you want new engine data update every
time you restart the program.
you finish all the above steps, click OK
button and configuration is done.