- Step 2
Bid To Target Position: This is the target position you want to bid.If the target position is not achievable due to amount required is higher than the Upper Limit. Then there are following options available.
  • Stay in current position: This does exactly what it says, Bid Maximizer will stay at current position.
  • Bid to upper limit to attain highest position possible: In this scenario, Bid Maximizer will bid to your Upper Limit.
  • Bid to best value position between: See below section for explanation on how bid to best value works.
Bid to Best Value Position Between 1 to 40: This option allows you to bid on the best value position between #1 and #40.

Best Value Position is the biggest bid gap within the Position Range. For example:
  • #1: $1.20
  • #2: $0.94
  • #3: $0.89
  • #4: $0.65
  • #5: $0.58
If your Upper Bid Limit is $0.90 and you set the "Target Bid" to position #2, the Bid Maximizer cannot bid to that position because it is greater than your Upper Bid Limit. In this case, it will find the best value position between #3 and #5, where the biggest bid gap is $0.24 (between position $3 and #4), then the Bid Maximizer will bid on the #4 position.

Stay on the same position (Eliminate Bid Gaps Only): This option allows you to maintain your current position but eliminate any bid gaps that may exist.

You can also set the listing to offline (Overture version only) or set the new bid to a fixed dollar amount by choosing Set New Bid to.
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