Case Studies
Save As U Dine Limited - Case Studies

Save As U Dine Limited, provides a unique membership program for offering people a choice of where to eat and at what price. The company receives 4500 hits daily and earned over $28,000 in sales since using Dynamic SubmissionT software.
Anyone thinking of buying site submission software and other related products, would be well served by making the purchase and or switching to this product. Its a can't lose proposition for a real quality product, priced right for the market. A hall mark of this company is their committment for continually improving on their existing line of products in order to meet the ever changing dynamic environment of the internet. Your program is simply brilliant!Brian Taub, President & CEO of Save As U Dine Limited More testimonials
The company sells membership cards on-line therefore the main concern was to achieve good listings in the search engines. Good search engine listings improve the chances that the website will be found by visitors that's why the website will see a dramatic increase in traffic.
Save As U Dine uses Dynamic SubmissionT, search engine submission and optimization tool, to be able to:
- Identify search terms people use when they look for the type of service they provide
- Optimize the website by implementing these search terms across a title, meta tags, and body of the web page
- Submit the website to all major search engines
- Monitor the results by checking the website position in search engines
Why Save As U Dine choosed Dynamic Submission?
"Dynamic Submission software is extremely user friendly allowing anyone to use it. Incorporates many options to pick and choose from. A great after sales service program which is probably one of the best in the business. An affordable price that makes it almost impossible to turn down their offer."
The company averages approximately 4500 hits daily and expects to generate over 10,000 hits by the middle of 2005. "What a fabulous product for the money," says Brian Taub, the president of Save As U Dine Limited. "At first I was a bit skeptical, but Dynamic Submission 7.0 has won me over ten fold. Its the only software program that really backs what it does..." The company has already earned over $28,000 in sales since started using the software.